Yoga and Writing Fiction Saved My Life.
Can Yoga & Self-Expression Help You?

What happens when a successful television producer, suffering from depression, finds Yoga? She finds herself.
There is now unrefuted scientific evidence that Yoga can help you manage anxiety and depression. Find my new Card Deck, Yoga for Your Mood: 52 Ways to Shift Depression and Anxiety (Sounds True-Macmillan, 2021) here!
In my new deck and on this site, you will find simple practices, and you don’t even need a yoga mat! You can also find new and inspiring fiction that may open your heart and mind in new and unexpected ways.
Here’s a window into my own healing story…
In my twenties, I endured numbing depression. When I began a committed yoga practice, I experienced a profound shift and my writing began to align with my life’s purpose; I wrote articles and books about yoga and mental health including Yoga for Depression (Harmony/Rodale), Yoga Skills for Therapists (W.W. Norton). I founded the LifeForce Yoga Healing Institute®, which today serves students, clients and trains yoga and mental health professionals around the globe. I am passionate about the healing power of yoga, and the power of art—music, dance, visual art, poetry and most especially the writing of fiction. Read my award-winning short stories and poetry here, and keep reading – I am happy to share my first novel, TEMPLE DANCER!
“Temple Dancer is gorgeous and ambitious.” ~Foreword Reviews
Gorgeous and ambitious!
Temple Dancer, Amy Weintraub’s astonishing new novel, evokes the power of a lost spiritual tradition through the story of two disparate women: a disgraced temple dancer from 1930s India, and a contemporary artist in Massachusetts…. Both of the women are fleshed out with rich psychological descriptions that evoke the very different cultures they live in…. Gorgeous and ambitious! Temple Dancer is an unforgettable novel about a woman’s search for peace—and another’s desire for justice.
I read this book in one day …
I read this book in one day because I could not stop. It’s one of those books, so clear the decks before you start. And then be prepared to be haunted and changed by the wisdom, sensuality, beauty, and fascinating history. Read this if you want to be transported and possibly changed forever.
A superbly written novel
I could not put this book down. TEMPLE DANCER is a superbly written novel that takes the reader on a journey from naiveté through disgrace to redemption. Amy Weintraub is a master story-teller!