Where is home?

This summer was unforgettable – from the desert Southwest, to battlefields and southern mists, to the great Atlantic shore. It’s been a while and I covered a lot of ground cross country! I camped along a river, visited family, tasted regional treats, and made wonderful memories.

Do you ever feel that way after a temporary move or while traveling? Sometimes I don’t remember if the nightstand is to the right or left. And the bathroom…where is that? Down the hall? In the room? It only takes a few moments to orient myself to my current location and time zone, but in those seconds, if I let go of trying to figure anything out, I can truly know where home is. Not Tucson. Not Rhode Island. Not the Berkshires.

No, home is right here, in this moment. Home is this body I’ve been given for this lifetime. Home is the energy field around this body, flowing through this body. This is what comes though loud and clear wherever I may be, and I’m grateful for it.

Wherever I am, I place my hand on my heart and say, “Welcome home, Baby Amy, you are home, here and now.”

Come home to your true self, beneath mood or story with Yoga For Your Mood tools that work… Relief is available for you and those you serve, so read on for ways to find balance and restore resilience.

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Relief is available. Find moments of true SELF, with any of the resources below. Keep reading for ways to help you find balance and restore resilience.

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Yoga for Depression

Yoga for Anxiety

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Yes, relief is available. Stay safe, stay well.